GHST Art World

Investing in Art and Culture: an innovative and safe new vision

Information, Innovation, Security

GHST Art World is a GHST subsidiary working for the development and promotion of cultural activities.

We want to disseminate and communicate its knowledge, culture, art and its developments by all means, technological and otherwise, at its disposal.

We aim for the highest level of innovation and creativity.


000-Intelligence of Things

Information and communication platform offering analysis, news and surveys on the digital relationship between machines and people from a security perspective. The exploration focuses on the ability of everyday objects to automatically change our lives by being connected with us and creating social systems.

The “things” we talk about can be found in terrorism, cybersecurity, but also and especially in everyday life.

It is necessary to detect what endangers our existence no longer from traditional channels, but from totally unsuspected interfaces.

000-Intelligence of Things, in collaboration with Forbes, Il Sole 24Ore, Bocconi, is divided into:

  • a TV program aired on BFC Media, and;
  • an online magazine;
  • a TV outreach project with AlmaTv (Marcopolo and Alice), to tell about new challenges in the world of technology and security.

The goal is to popularize the culture of this new concept of safety, which, thanks to the new relationships between things and people, involves not only those in the industry, but all.

Music and culture

Il Mago di Cartone

Music and theater project of cultural and social popularization.
Through music, it tells, shares, makes knowledge accessible to all and sundry, our history, from the condition of the condition of researchers in Italy, to social networks, new technologies, and the environment.

For info click here

Culture, Poetry and Wine

Casata Kistewandern
In an increasingly digitized world, our company promotes Casata Kistewandern, a brand that embraces tradition by producing and distributing natural wines within cultural itineraries that combine good wine with the discovery of poets and artists.
For info click here

Art, Creativity, Innovation

In GHST Art World we are dedicated to our work in the art industry and will deliver great results through a constant drive to exceed the industry.

We will aim for the highest level of innovation and creativity when it comes to our work. GHST Art World embrace technology and a culture of fast and professional service.

We own 119 property paintings.

Management of GHST Art Inc.

Board of directors