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GHST Sport 2021: AI

January, 25 – 2021 > GHST Sport Inc.

We commissioned the first 52 Smart Shin Guards prototypes to Hemar Group SA, which were delivered at the end of April 2021.

Later, we will study how to expand the Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Smart Shin Guards.

February, 2 – 2021 > GHST Sport Inc.

We signed an agreement with Applica Srl for the “development of a Mobile and Web App for [SSG] wearables” in exchange for the payment of € 92,000.

Approximate estimated execution time for all steps is 6 to 8 months.

April, 1 – 2021 > GHST Sport Inc.

We signed an agreement with Hemar Group SA for the “phase two development”, expansion of data management with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Smart Shin Guards, in exchange for the payment of approximately € 50,000.

Approximate estimated execution time for phase two is 4 to 5 months.

April, 30 – 2021 > GHST Sport Inc.

Hemar Group SA has delivered all 52 “Smart Shin Guards” to us, and immediately we will have a full soccer team equipped with our shin guards.

The remaining 26 devices will be treated in another way and by mid-May a second soccer team will be fully equipped with these SSG.

We continue to analize the Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Smart Shin Guards.

Approximate estimated execution time for testing and data collection is 2 months.

October, 4 – 2021 > GHST Sport Inc.

Our team of SSG technicians will be busy all week long on the Vis Pesaro training fields (Italian professional soccer team) to detect and collect the data of all its players who will wear our SSG devices.

All the evaluation parameters collected will then be processed by an Artificial Intelligence model.

October, 13 – 2021 > GHST Sport Inc.

The large volume of data collected during the past week, thanks to the soccer players and the technical staff of the Vis Pesaro football team, are now being examined by the technical staff and the AI operators.

The decoding work will continue until the delivery of an updated software aimed at increasing data accuracy.

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